A while back I made a Fun With Theory post that disturbed many of you. It was a purely hypothetical story about what would happen if there were a female version of Blackdragon (Blackdragonette) who moved through life with the same level of hyper-rationality, but as a woman with female desires, goals, and feelings rather than Alpha masculine ones.
Many of you really freaked out, both in the comments and in my email. I knew this would happen, which is why I said in the disclaimer that I hesitated to even make that post. Many of you stated that Blackdragonette would be a cold hearted slut, a liar, a lazy golddigging bitch, a criminal, and/or would end up being very unhappy.
Well…yes. To a degree some of those things are accurate. (And to some degree some of you were wrong.) The problem with the woman I described is that she was…a woman. As a female with a female brain:
- Her sense of honor would not be as ingrained as a man.
- She would be more fickle and quick to change her mind than a man.
- Because of current cultural realities, her sense of entitlement would be at least somewhat higher than a man’s.
- She would be more emotional than a man.
- Her choices in life would be done for less rational reasons than a man, even if she was highly intelligent. (Though not by much, since obviously men can be extremely irrational too.)
- She would be more protective of her children than a man, and often consider their welfare over hers (whether correctly or incorrectly).
- She would be more sensitive to how other people viewed her life choices than a man.
That post was my attempt to place the structure of Blackdragon into a female brain. It was not to place a male brain into a female body.
Judging from your reactions, many of you wanted to hear about the latter, when I had demonstrated the former.
The problem with demonstrating how a woman would behave under a Blackdragon model with a male brain is that it would be even less realistic. What I described in that post really is possible in the real world, and many women actually do some of the things I discussed. Whereas I doubt very much that a “masculine” version of Blackdragonette would be possible in any universe, simply because women are not like men. They have different needs, different desires, different physiologies, and even different brain structures.
(This is a good thing, because if women were just like us we would not be attracted to them, and the human race would die out while all the men in the world spent their time masturbating.)
Regardless of all of that, since I am your (not so) humble servant, today I will attempt to describe this magical fantasy masculine woman anyway. I will lay out how a hot, blonde, young woman with a mostly male brain and Blackdragon-like outlook would live her life. Consider her Blackdragonette’s more honest and honorable sister. I’ll call her BeeDee. She’ll share some similarities with her sister, but also some big differences.
Again I will state that most of what I’m about to say is likely impossible. There are plenty of women who will want, and could accomplish what Blackdragonette would do. However I doubt you’ll ever find a woman like BeeDee even if you went on 500 first dates.
With that disclaimer in mind, let’s do this…
The Life of BeeDee
Let’s start out with me, BeeDee, at around age 18 or so. Like my sister Blackdragonette, I would consider my physical appearance to be a top priority. I would understand that the prettier I was as a woman, the easier the rest of my life would be, and the higher quality men I could date or marry.
Therefore, I would make sure to watch my diet constantly and I would exercise regularly. I would keep my hair reasonably long and reasonably blonde. If I was genetically stuck with small boobs (A or B cup), I would do my best to save or borrow the money to get fake boobs and get those puppies up to at least up to a C cup. This would be done by my mid-twenties at the very latest.
However, my looks would not be quite the obsession it would be with Blackdragonette. I will have noticed by age 20 that even if my stomach was not 100% washboard, men would still be throwing themselves at me constantly as long as I was reasonably blonde, cute, and trim. Blackdragonette would be spending hours in the gym, salons, and tanning beds…I would not. I would consider that level of activity to be a matter of diminishing returns. Blackdragonette wants (needs!) to be a 10. I just need to be an 8.5 or so…but I need to maintain that forever.
BeeDee would be hot, but not very girly. While Blackdragonette would be walking around in skirts and frilly tops, I’d be wearing a lot of jeans and normal shirts. Occasionally I would dress up but it would not be my norm. That being said, I would make sure that my jeans showed off my ass in the very best way and that my cleavage showed often. I would likely be into stuff more nerdy girls are into, like Dr. Who and Joss Whedon more than Barbies or Vampire Diaries.
Dating and Guys
Guys would be all over me, exactly according to plan. When they offered to pay for drinks and dates and gifts, I would happily accept. I love free money, and if men want to give it to me, I’m there! However I would not be a gold digger and demand that men be “gentlemen” and spend money on me, even as I aged into my twenties and thirties. I would know that the more a man spent on me, the more control he would have over me and the more he would think (correctly or incorrectly) that he “owned” me.
That would be completely unacceptable. BeeDee is 100% her own woman, always, and no man will ever own or control me. Ever! So I would happily accept money/gifts/support from men, but never demand it.
BeeDee would not want any children, ever. I would be fastidious about birth control. As soon as I thought I could get away with it, I would run down to the doctors office and get either a Mirena IUD or Nexplannon implant. They would give me shit about how I hadn’t had any kids yet, but I would push the issue as hard as I possibly could. I would also try as hard as I could to get a tubal ligation as quickly as a doctor would allow it…likely in my early thirties if I pushed the issue hard enough.
I would have a full supply of morning-after pills in my bathroom ready to go, and as a very sexually active girl, I would be giving myself pregnancy tests every month whether I felt I needed them or not. I’d always have a secret stash of $500 in cash on hot standby that I could grab if I ever got pregnant, so I could haul ass down to the clinic and get an abortion ASAP. No kids for BeeDee! Ever! Having kids I’d have to take care of 24/7 for 18 years would completely fuck up my life, my long term happiness, and my freedom. Not gonna happen. Ever.
Needless to say, just like Blackdragonette and the real-life Blackdragon, condoms would be used when I had sex (unless it was with an OLTR or similar) and I would be getting full STD screenings at least 2-3 times a year whether I felt I needed them or not.
I would always be dating and/or fucking at least two men, possibly as many as four men at a time. I would never, ever promise any man monogamy, ever. Like most women who attempt open relationships, this would make all the beta males cry and whine and plead, and make the Needy Alphas get very angry and yell at me.
This means I’d often be nexting Needy Alphas very very fast, since I don’t do drama. My men would be the coolest beta males I could find, plus an Alpha 2.0 whenever I could find one (which would be rare).
As a woman, I would likely never have more than one MLTR at a time. It would be one man I really like, plus a few FBs on the side. I would tend to gravitate towards older men (men over 30) because I’d be able to really talk to them and relate to them, but I’d still fuck hordes of hot young needy beta male guys. I’d keep the ones that didn’t whine and complain too much about my nonmonogamy, and next and replace the rest.
Men would constantly be falling in love with me and getting oneitis for me left and right, and I would get very good at managing this, doing a lot of reading, research, and real-life experimentation until I found a system that worked. This would be a combination of a rock-solid EFA, screening (yes, as a woman I’d have to screen), and frequent nexting.
By age 25-26 or so, I’d have my 38 year-old boyfriend (really an OLTR) and one or two young guys on the side as FBs. Hopefully my OLTR would be an Alpha 2.0, since those are the only men out there who wouldn’t give me shit about fucking other dudes. Just like the real-life Blackdragon, if I was really in love, I would compromise on some of the details of the open relationship (ground rules) if necessary, but I would not promise absolute monogamy, and I would sadly next my OLTR if he ever changed his mind and demanded it of me.
Same goes for having kids. If my OLTR ever demanded I have kids, next! (Yet another reason older men would be better for me, since most of them already have kids and don’t need any more.)
Would BeeDee ever get married? Sure. She’s a woman. As a matter of fact, that’s likely to happen by the time she was 35.
It would be an open marriage of course; I could go play around on the side and so could my Alpha 2.0 husband. Unlike Blackdragonette, I would not be opposed to a prenup, but I would know that if my future husband was an Alpha 2.0 he would demand one.
If that were the case, I would agree to the prenup but if he had some real money, I would ask for some if we became divorced reasonably soon, and I would work out the best deal for myself as I could. Or, I would marry as cool a beta as I could find; then there would be no prenup at all. Score!
Again, I would certainly take free money from men with a smile on my face, and I would put myself in situations where this kind of arrangement would be encouraged, but unlike Blackdragonette I would not demand it or plan on it.
Throughout the marriage, I would maintain a very trim, fit, and beautiful body, even as I aged into my thirties, forties, and early fifties. It would be a constant priority for me, since I’ll never be monogamous and will have to attract men for the rest of my life, married or not. I would never get past a size 4 or 5 at the very most.
Would BeeDee ever get divorced? Of course she would. The odds are overwhelming this would happen and she’d be well aware of this during the entire wedding, engagement, and marriage. At no point would she ever bullshit herself with Disney about this marriage lasting “the rest of her life”. No….she knows herself, men, and human nature too well. Regardless of how much I loved my husband/OLTR/whatever, beta or Alpha, I would know that the relationship/marriage would be temporary.
With or without a prenup, the divorce would be amicable, especially considering there would be no children involved (remember…no kids for BeeDee ever!). I’d take whatever money I could easily get from the divorce without a big legal battle, keep fucking my FBs on the side, and move on.
Finances and Work
Like her sister Blackdragonette, BeeDee’s priorities would be physical appearance first, personal income second.
That means that once my physical appearance was solidified (blonde, hot, trim, young-looking, and big boobs), I would put all of that on maintenance mode and shift into earning an income and ensuring my financial future. Putting the time necessary into earning money would be very easy because I wouldn’t ever have any kids.
While all the other women with kids out there would be unable to work long hours, or worse, work at some bullshit job while paying for daycare and talking to their kids off-and-on all day on the phone, I could completely focus and get the financial part of my life squared away nicely.
Like Blackdragonette, I would know that much of my income and future investments would be taken care of by boyfriends and husbands (both past, current, and future). This would be nice. Because of this, like most hot chicks, I would not have to work nearly as hard to secure a stable lifestyle as a man or ugly woman would.
However, unlike Blackdragonette, I would not 100% rely on this. Even if I had a few rich husbands or boyfriends, I know that men can be idiots and fuck up their finances just as badly as women can. So I would build up some very marketable skills and really understand long term, safe investing. I would always have my own money that would be untouched by any man, even if I got married (and divorced!).
By the time my sexual market value really started to nosedive somewhere around my forties, I’d have a nice pile of cash saved up to cover my expenses, and I’d have one or two very marketable skills I could use to work part-time to cover any shortfalls. Hopefully most of this work could be done online so my income would be location independent…as a woman I’m sure I’d love to go spend time in perceived-romantic places like Venice or Paris.
Since I’d be without kids, I’d be traveling a lot, shopping a lot, having a lot of sex, and working when necessary. In many ways, I’d actually have more freedom than my sister Blackdragonette, who had to crank out two kids just to deal with her stupid biological clock. With a masculine brain, I thankfully wouldn’t need to worry about this. When added to my nonmonogamous relationships and financial stability, this would make me one of the freest, happiest women on planet Earth.
That’s about it. This fantasy woman doesn’t exist, but it’s what you asked for, and it’s fun to think about.
The post Fun With Theory: Blackdragonette Revisited appeared first on The Blackdragon Blog.